Finally, A.C. has devoted herself to just one blog. She is very sorry for any inconveniences her indecisiveness may have caused, but she now runs the one, single, forever-staying blog Inkspot at inkspotwriter.blogspot.com. Feel free to check it out!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Writers for the Cure

Once and a while we all get STUCK.

And then the horror hits. No words come. No rhymes. No nerdy metaphors. Nothing.

Your hand cramps. You start to cry and beat your head on your keyboard (or notebook or piece of paper). You consider poking your eye out with a pointy pencil. You think really hard but get nowhere.

This is Writer's Block (WB).

Here at The Writer's Block, we all struggle with the same problems you have. And we have dedicated our lives to finding a cure to this terrible ailment.

My colleagues and I believe the best treatment for WB is to connect with other writers and find inspiration among them. That is why we created The Writer's Block, a place where writers can be themselves (and eat chocolate in peace). We want to make sure everyone knows that writers get blocked, and characters do in fact get out of hand sometimes, and sometimes stories need a kickstart, and yes, even you must kill a character every now and then. And we all feel pain when we do that (even if it's the villain).

So, rest well, little writer gents and ladies! Today is the turning point of all writerdom: a turn for the betterment of all writer-kind. Together, we can change the world and cure WB. But we can't do it alone. We need your help!

Support our cause and give us your feedback. We can't do this without you. Let us know how you feel and what you like to read and hear from other writers.

Together, we can overcome Writer's Block.

Check back for all sorts of neat stuff:

Teen Author Chats
Inspirational Awesome Stuff
Kicks in the Pants for the Lazy Writers
Writer of the Month Competitions
and more!

Write on,



Anonymous said...

I am not a writer, but I have had the opportunity to read your site. I am so impressed with all the writers and I am sure it will be so very helpful to all budding writers. Keep up the good work and Kudo's to Writers Blog. I have even put your site on my Favorites.

Anastasia Cross said...

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog! We really appreciate it. We hope that we will reach people having some trouble writing (with Writer's Block...dun dun duuunn...) and hopefully we can help them get through it while having fun at the same time!

Come back soon!
