Finally, A.C. has devoted herself to just one blog. She is very sorry for any inconveniences her indecisiveness may have caused, but she now runs the one, single, forever-staying blog Inkspot at inkspotwriter.blogspot.com. Feel free to check it out!

Monday, August 19, 2013

One of the Best Ways To Defeat Writer's Block!

If you read the heading of this post, your heart probably jumped inside your chest.  Or you probably just yawned and said out loud, "Oh, another cure.  I wonder what they've thought of this time."  Okay, I admit it.  This cure will only work for some writers.  A majority of writers, hopefully.

Question #1:  Do you play an instrument?  If you answered no, then don't continue to read this post.  It just might discourage you.

Okay, here's one cure out of many for W.B.  Say you are at your computer, staring at your blank screen (or blank piece of paper), and you are just about to slam the screen down out of frustration.  Before you do something you regret (like slamming the screen down and breaking, meanwhile loosing your other work), try going to the piano, violin, ukulele, guitar, saxophone, drums, cello, or any instrument you play, and hammer your anger and frustration into that.  I find it very relaxing when I have a bad case of W.B. to just sit at the piano and beat away at the keys, playing the most loud song I know.  And then my brother knocks on the wall (his bedroom wall is right where the piano is) for me to stop.

And so then I play something softer, more inspiring... something with a softer sound.  Like maybe a classical piece.  I don't find, though, that classical pieces work for me.  I find that sad, heartbreaking, movie themes help me.  Like the song from Tron: Legacy at the very end when Sam realizes that he won't see his father again.  It's called Father and Son.  That song really gets me going.  Songs that like.  Or another one that's really soothing is the one from Kung-Fu Panda called Oogway Ascends.  The part in the movie when Oogway "dies".  That's a really good one.

Or if you play the guitar, just strum away really hard!  That's what I do.  Just play a series of chords (not a specific song) really hard (uh, but don't break the strings while your at it...) and smile evilly as you look over at your brother who's covering his ears!  But I'm not that mean... or am I?  

It's worth a try if you play an instrument.  And who knows, it might work for you.  Give it a try!  

Angelina Zoe        

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